Thursday, 1 January 2015

What is Methane? Give its structure and properties.

Understand Methane and its structure and properties. Click on the link to Watch the VIDEO explanation: Watch Video

Methane commonly called as marsh gas is the simplest hydrocarbon. Structural formula of methane molecule. One carbon atom combines with hydrogen atom to form a methane molecule CH4. The four hydrogen atom are linked to a central carbon atom . In ball and stick model observe that CH bond angle id 109.5°. The occurrence of methane. Methane occur in marshy areas, oil wells, bodies of termites, intestines of ruminating animals and coal mines. The apparatus required for laboratory preparation of methane is shown here. A mixture of sodium ethanoate and soda lime is taken in a hard glass boiling tube. The boiling tube is heated first gently and then strongly. On heating methane gas is evolved which is collected over water as shown here. Test for methane. Combustion. Methane is combustible and burn with a blue non sooty flame producing CO2 water vapour and a large amount of heat. Methane undergoes substitution reaction in the presence of diffused sunlight. At each step one atom of hydrogen get substitutes with an atom of chlorine. The four substitution products formed are chloromethane, dichloromethane, trichloromethane and tetrachloromethane.

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